The 21st century is a time when humanity has started to understand the importance of preserving our planet as much as possible. Sure, we cannot say that this awareness didn’t exist in the past. However, we can all agree that it certainly wasn’t on the level it is now. Everyone understands the importance.
That’s why various industries have started to impose changes that can help us preserve it most efficiently. The same can be said about the fashion industry. While many wouldn’t see any problem between this industry and the environment there is more to it than meets the eye.
The way to preserve it is to use eco-friendly fabrics. Today, it is possible to find an anti-oil stain proof water repellent t-shirt that’s way more durable than others, because of its material. Thankfully, you can come across these rather easily. In this particular case, you can use coupon code CJ15 to get a discount.
Now, we want to discuss some materials that have proved themselves as resource-efficient.
1. Organic Cotton

It doesn’t matter whether you have some knowledge of clothing material or not, you know that organic cotton has a special place. However, we are certain that many don’t know that this material is as resource-efficient as they come. No dangerous chemicals are used in the process of growing this fabric.
Another interesting thing to point out is that the organic variant uses more than 85% less water and less than half the energy needed for growing the basic one. We’re certain many people find these pieces of information interesting. Those who grow organic cotton have a license that confirms they meet all the standards.
It needs to be said that this is not only important for the environment but also for the health of the producers. These days, you will see that organic cotton is the most widespread material. You can find numerous sorts of clothes made of this. That alone should say just how environment-friendly it is.
2. Organic Hemp
Anyone who’s committed even the smallest amount of time to research fabrics knows that hemp is always on top of these lists. It is a completely natural fabric, whose production and processing do not involve any sort of harmful chemicals, dangerous both to our planet, and us, people.
Besides that, growing hemp is a healthy process for the soil. Plus, it requires significantly less water and energy than the vast majority of other materials out there. That alone tells about how efficient it is. There’s one thing that makes it stand out from all other materials you might consider.
We are talking about its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. A term that describes this sort of material is negative carbon raw material. Among many other benefits, you can reap when wearing one of these you can find sun-protective features, which are great, especially for the summer.
3. Wool

Wool is among the oldest fabrics used to make clothes. There’s probably no time in human civilization when it wasn’t as widespread and important as it is today. People always preferred it for its numerous benefits. Sure, not all farms where wool is collected are adequate.
Three main features make it as popular as it is. We are talking about it being durable, biodegradable, and renewable. All these features complement the concept of eco-friendliness. Besides that, wool is highly durable and can sustain quite a lot of damage inflicted it.
We’re sure many don’t understand that it is both water-repellent and flame-resistant at the same time. So, you don’t need to invest as much money into purchasing new pieces now and then. Not only that it is eco-friendly, but it can also help you save a significant amount of money.
4. Bamboo Linen

The interest in bamboo in this industry has skyrocketed in the last two decades. It is a great material you can use for making practically anything you wish. When it comes to the resource-efficient side of the story, you can see that bamboo is harvested without harming the plant in the process.
Plus, it has a special feature that allows it to regenerate rather quickly. Not only that, some reports even claim that this is the fastest-growing plant in nature. Another thing why many believe using it in this industry is a great thing to do is that it absorbs more carbon dioxide than any other plant out there.
However, you should be careful when you’re purchasing bamboo linen. It’s because the market is flooded with a plasticized version of this material. It means that it is nowhere near as good as the original. Besides that, there are not many fabrics out there that are as harmful to the environment as plastic
5. Recycled Cotton

The final resource-efficient clothing material we want to talk about is recycled cotton. The term recycled already says a lot about it. Imagine, that something that has been used as a piece of clothes can be used all over again. However, it needs to undergo a certain process that will make this possible.
We can see that numerous fashion brands have opted for material, for a variety of reasons. People who are committed to preserving the planet in the best possible condition know just how important it is to take advantage of this option. Wearing pieces made of recycled cotton helps them make a statement.
The only downside to this material is that the manufacturers are not always sure where it comes from. Still, we don’t believe that this is too big of a problem in most cases. Also, don’t think that the term “recycled” means that the clothes made of these are of lesser quality. Believe us, it’s quite the contrary.
Those who want to purchase solely eco-friendly clothing materials have a lot of options in front of them. Here, we’ve presented our readers with fabrics that meet this criterion. We do not have any doubt this list of ours will provide you with the necessary help when you are about to go shopping next time.