When we mix gambling and highly rated movie, we get one of the most iconic scenes and movies of all time, which this one surely is. Now, every Bond lover will surely state that the casino scenes are some of the most recognizable, and many people even base their understanding of poker on this movie. So, to help you understand a bit more the game and whether those responsible for the movie have done their research right, let’s focus on some crucial segments so that you will get a much better impression of how accurate the poker is in this movie.
The mixed pot
Although it can be pretty tempting for movie viewers to watch and find out what will happen after the valuable car is added to the pot, it cannot happen in real life. Yes, it would be interesting to see what happens, but that’s something that just happens in movies, and the reason for that is pretty simple. Namely, not one dealer in the trustworthy casino will allow that because it can be pretty challenging to give it back to the owner if any disagreement happens. The main culprit in that situation would be the dealer, and none of them will be willing to take that risk and eventually lose their job because of only one poker game. Above all, dealers are experienced and trained professionals with a ton of preparation and background checks, meaning that they are not just exemplary at what they do, but they also have huge trust from the people running the casino, and this is something that all famous casinos have in similar.
Too high stakes

Even if we do not pay attention to the valuable car added to the pot, we cannot neglect the fact that the stakes in the poker game in the movie are enormously high. If we compare the stakes from the movie with the highest ones in land-based casinos, we will see that they are almost ten times higher, and compared to stakes in online casinos, they are almost 200 times higher, which is everything but realistic. That’s something that simply cannot happen in real-life casinos, as the base of their operations is about drawing players to play for longer, as this entire industry works under the law of large numbers.
Now, there are certain high stake poker tables, but even here, the stakes aren’t as high as in the movie, and these tables are usually reserved for players with vast experience or professionals. Overall, if we focus solely on the money in the movie and how much cash players bet every hand, even though it adds to the drama and raises the overall impression of the scene, it’s simply not true and not something you should expect to see in a real casino.
All chips in the pile

There is no doubt that the scene when all players go all in and put their chips in a pile looks pretty dramatic, but it is almost impossible to see it in a real-life game. We are all aware that in the movie, one player will win and take all the bets, but in real life, there is the opportunity that there will not be only one winner, and some of the chips will be returned to the owner. Even if there is only one winner, they will not get all the chips because, in this scene, not all the players put the same amount in the pot, so some of them would surely be returned to their owners. Yet again, it’s all about the movie and how much drama you want to add to the scene, which is something you surely get when you have all players going all in at the same time. Once again, even though it’s not a common thing or even practice to do so, even if it happens, it still doesn’t mean that one player will get all the money.
Bluffs and betting patterns

Poker wouldn’t be the same if there weren’t for bluffs, betting patterns, and even tells, as we all react differently to certain things and situations. Now, when the stakes are high, our pupils tend to change when they feel positive they will win or that they will lose, which is just one of the reasons why professional players wear sunglasses. As for the movie, this means that the players’ reaction after the flop should be a bit stronger, but they couldn’t focus on every single detail when they were filming, and this surely didn’t ruin the movie, on the contrary.
To summarize
Yes, people shouldn’t believe everything they see on TV, especially in a movie, as the entire purpose of the movie is to entertain people. If you really want to find out how it all works and get a real insight into how casinos operate and how much work there is to create such an atmosphere and to make it seem like everything runs flawlessly, then try watching some documentary movies on casinos and gambling. As for this movie, we must speak highly about how much work everyone has done in order to cover every single detail about casinos and poker, but even though all the details in Casino Royale are truly realistic, we need to understand that it is a movie, and some parts had to be adjusted to keep the viewers’ attention.
Adding such things is not a mistake at all, and overall, this is a pretty good movie for any poker or/and James Bond lover, so if you consider that you are, there is no doubt that you will love this movie. On the other hand, if you prefer playing casino games more than watching other people play and need a reliable website to entrust your money, pokies can be a great choice for that start. Namely, they grant a high level of gambling experience, and the rules are as basic as there are, meaning that even those entirely new to gambling will easily learn how to play pokies. All you need to do is to visit real money online pokies and choose the one that fits all your needs.